Monday, November 4, 2013

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

It's November here in our crazy, screwed up little world, and while advertisers and stores are already gearing up for Christmas, the rest of us are getting ready to celebrate the day we fatten up a bunch of Native Americans before brutally slaughtering and raping their land. In honor of that glorious day I bring to you, Thanksgaming, a time where we can take a look back fondly on the video games of our childhood, whether you grew up in the 70's, 80's, 90's, or the 00's. If it was a part of your childhood then it deserves recognition. Now, while it's not possible for me to properly represent every gaming generation that has come and gone, I will be doing my best to look at various titles that came out during the 90's, 80's, and even the late 70's, from Nintendo, PlayStation, Sega, and Atari. To kick things off, a franchise that I'm sure many who are reading this right now are all too familiar with. I am of course talking about, THE LEGEND OF ZELDA!