Monday, January 9, 2012

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter. Does this even need an introduction? Screw it, I'll give one anyway. Harry Potter is a book series about a young boy wizard written by author J.K. Rowling. The first book was published back in 1997 in the UK before being brought over to America a year later. It would soon be followed up by sequels and its very own Movie Franchise in 2001. Since then it has integrated itself into our culture. With the growing success of the series it was only natural for it to expand other mediums. This brings us back to 2001 for the PlayStation release of:

The first in a long line of video games based on the Harry Potter series would be published by EA Games. The plot? Well, everybody knows the plot. Once upon a time there was this really bad dude who did bad things to good people.

Lord Voldemort
I'm going to kill you now.

Lily Potter

Harry Potter

Lord Voldemort

In his attempts to kill Harry something happened, something that nobody knows, and Harry Potter got out of the incident with nothing but a scar (why is it lighting shaped?) and Lord Voldemort was no more. With his parents dead, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, took the young Harry Potter to live with his only remaining non-magical (otherwise known as Muggle) family.

Professor McGongall
Dumbledore, why are you leaving him with these people?

Albus Dumbledore
Because they are the only family he has.

Professor McGongall
But they're douchebags! Mark my words they'll have him living in the cupboard under the stairs!

Albus Dumbledore
Oh, don't be silly.

Eleven years down the line Harry Potter is miserable, go figure, but that all changes when he gets his invite to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Since his Aunt and Uncle tries to fight him on it they have to send Big Foot to get the kid.

You're a Wizard, Harry!

Harry Potter
Will I get to pull a bunny out of a hat?


Harry Potter
Saw a lady in half?


Harry Potter
Make my Aunt and Uncle disappear?


Harry Potter
Do I get a wand?


Harry Potter

So, he goes off to Hogwarts, is sorted into Gryffindor, and we begin the game!

None of the actors from the movie reprise their roles in this game, but some of the voices they do get does a pretty good job at impersonating them. Namely Harry, Ron, Neville, and Snape. I couldn't hear the difference much when I was a kid. The game does a good job of making the characters look like the actors from the film and even incorporates things from the books that were left out of the movies, like Peeves. Although, Hermione Granger's hair is so bright it looks blond. You know what? I think that is blond! Yeah, because you all remember how J. K. Rowling described her in the books with locks of blond hair, or how for the movies Emma Watson had to dye her hair blond? No? Of course not. Because her hair is brown!

The various mini-games found throughout can go from fun to annoying depending on your preference. Flying is basically Harry Potter going through rings (I'm having Superman 64 flashbacks), a race the clock challenge to get to class, pressing the buttons on the controller the Professor points at during class, a shooting range (what?), oh and for a boss battle we have Draco Malfoy throwing firecrackers at you. I'm not even kidding. Yes, they're given the label of Wizard Crackers, but bottom line is, Malfoy is trying to kill you with firecrackers! Why be sly, cunning and manipulative, when you can blow up your rival in broad daylight!?

In closing, if you're a huge fan of Harry Potter then chances are you'll enjoy this game. If you aren't, why would you get it in the first place? This is ToriJ signing off.

Try it

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